Friday, December 27, 2019

29% of workers say stress leads to productivity problems in the office

29% of workers say stress leads to productivity problems in the office29% of workers say stress leads to productivity problems in the officeNew data fromcollaborative work management platform Wrike shows that 29% of American workers surveyed reported that stress leads to productivity problems in the office. Taking a look at a more specific breakdown, eight percent agreed that stress causes me to shut down and be unproductive and 21% said that I can handle some stress, but my work quality suffers.How stress impacts employees performanceSurprisingly, Americans didnt have just bad things to sayStress causes me to shut down and be unproductive 8%I can handle some stress, but my work quality suffers 21%Stress affects me personally but doesnt affect my work or work habits 20%A little bit of stress can help me focus and get work done 33%My best work comes from high-stress situations 5%I dont let work stress me out 11%These things wreak havoc on employees stressHeres how people with differen t stress levels respondedReceiving email or text messages from a superior outside of work hours 18% of people with no to low stress and 32% of people with moderate to high stressNotifications of new emails or messages during work 10% with no to low stress, 19% with moderate to high stressBeing unable to locate information I know Ive seen in the past 27% with no to low stress, 42% with moderate to high stressReceiving assignments with unrealistic deadlines 44% with no to low stress, 69% with moderate to high stressToo much time spent in meetings and not enough time to do actual work 22% with no to low stress 37% with moderate to high stressHeres what happens to a stressed workforceAmong people working at companies making a whopping yearly revenue of more than $51 million, 38% say they have moderate stress, 28% say its high but sustainable and 24% say its low, but present. Six percent say its unsustainably high and four percent say their work stress is nonexistent. The report goes on to say that 11% of workers at these employers say that work stress negatively impacts their home life every day.This perpetual impact on home life is causing employees from successful companies to head for the hills. Of the 11% who say that work negatively impacts their home life every day, 77.5% report having looked for another job as a result of stress, and nearly half (45%) have actually quit their job, the report continues.But while 63% of women surveyed overall said that being able to work from home would make them feel less stressed, 52.2% of men agreed.Does this data remind you of yourself?If so, keep in mind that there are a variety of ways to deal with an onslaught of stress at work, whether its during the holidays or year-round.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

4 major mistakes Ive made (that Id do all over again)

4 major mistakes Ive made (that Id do all over again)4 major mistakes Ive made (that Id do all over again)How scared are you of mistakes? Of the small ones. Of the huge ones. Of the personal. Of the professional. Are the mistakes you fear of making, actually making you? Well, maybe. Because if avoiding a mistake means youre avoiding the pursuit of your potential, or the pursuit of creating, or the pursuit of being out there and vulnerablethen ya. They might be making you.Ten years ago, I definitely considered myself a perfectionist. I feared mistakes like they had 8 legs. Today, not so much. Am I obsessed with doing a great job? Sure. Seeking major value and integrity? Totally. But Ive messed up enough to know that in the pursuit of anything big, of anything meaningful, the mistakes we make will be major along the way.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreUnfortunately, dealing with t he aftermath of making a mistake doesnt get easier. It doesnt suddenly departure feeling any better just because youre a little more cool with making them now. But youdobegin to see them differently. You begin to see them as stepping stones to something developing in your life. Theyre signals of where to go next. They might have been avoidable, but now you understand what to avoid and how. Mistakes are really the only way there.I like looking back. Even at the ugly parts. Even at the parts of my life that still make my chest tight and my tummy clinch a little bit out of shame, out of embarrassment, out of sadness, out of disappointment. Because in each of those dark pockets of my life is the little hole punched where brightness seeped in. Not because I welches trying, but because thats how brightness worksit finds its way in. Often times through the vessel you didnt expect, like painful mistakes, regretful missteps, or misunderstood choices.Like that timeI didnt prep for a dream jo b interview in the way I should have. I was young, but Im still embarrassed when I think back of how simple the question was. How ill-prepared I was to answer. And how it all blew up from there. But just when I thought that door was closed, another one in the adjacent building opened.Or the timeI shared something online that had an element of something important to me, but because I didnt do full research on the subject it was about, I didnt know the person went against most of what I believed. It was not good. But I forgave me. And was reminded context is everything.And that timeI went against my gut. I took the job even though I knew the person hiring me was about to make my life an actual hell. Hell it was. But I clawed my way out and learned more lessons in a year than I knew could be learned in a lifetime.And finally that timeI should have walked away. Thats what wise women do. When someone is costing us our power. When we know were on the losing end of our own generosity. When our heart is literally splintering minute by minute and yet we stay. But thats OK, because the feeling of knowing your power is often found from the feelings of ignoring it.It can be hard to walk away, until you realize that in doing so, youre running to yourself.Thereve been more mistakes in my life than I could fit in a 10-book series. Therell be more. Ill sidestep, turn around, fuck up, and want a do-over. But at the end of the day, even in the failures, the brightness will find its way in. As long as we keep showing up. As long as we keep loving on ourselves. As long as we dont let the mistake tell the story of our past, and rather allow the lesson learned to become our dominating narrative.This article originally appeared on Maxie McCoy.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will ersatzdarsteller your produ ctivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Top Skills and Attributes Employers Look For

Top Skills and Attributes Employers Look ForTop Skills and Attributes Employers Look ForWhat skills are fruchtwein important to employers? Which skills motivate them to choose the candidates they hire? Soft Skills There are some skills andqualitiesemployers seek in all their employees, regardless of the position. These are calledsoft skills, and they include the interpersonal skills and attributes you need to succeed in the workplace. They arealso commonly referred to asprofessional skills, those that maintain ahealthy workplace environment. Hard Skills In plus-rechnen to soft skills, there are other, more tangible or technical skills that most projects require. These are calledhard skills, and they are the specific knowledge and abilities required todo the job. Youll need both hard and soft skills for any job, and its important to show employers that you have thecombination of hybrid skillsthey need when youre applying and interviewing for jobs. In order to get your applicat ion noticed, be sure to incorporate in your resume and titelbild letter the skills you have that are required for the position. Also, highlight your most relevant skills during job interviews by being able to provide real-life examples. Top Skills Employers Look For While this list is not exhaustive, these are some of the top skills employerssay are most important whenrecruiting andhiring employees. Analytical Skills Employees need to be able to confront a problem, think it through, and decisively apply solutions. These are known as analytical skills. The level of analytical skills required will vary, depending on the job and the industry. Closely aligned with analytical skills, employees are expected to organize, plan, and prioritize effectively. List of Analytical Skills Communication Skills The ability to communicate effectively - both verbally and in writing - is both essential and rare. Those with strong communication skills are in high demand, regardless of the j ob or industry. You need to be able to communicate successfully with employees, managers, andcustomers inperson, online, in writing,and/or over the phone. Top 10 Communication SkillsList of Communication SkillsVerbal Communication SkillsNonverbal Communication SkillsInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal skills, also known as people skills, are the skills you use to interact and engage with others. Many are hired quickly based purely on their ability to connect with people. Interpersonal skills can (at times) trump the other skills employersare seeking, sobe sure yours are up to par. Yourinterpersonal skillswill be evaluated duringjob interviews, so be sure youprepare for the interview. You can develop the emotional intelligence and self-awareness you need to connect with a hiring team. List of Interpersonal SkillsList of Collaboration SkillsList of Soft Skills Leadership Skills When companies hire for leadership roles,they seek employees that can successfully interact with employees, colleagues, and customers. Even if youre not applying for management jobs, leadership is a valuable skill to bring to the employer. Many companies prefer to promote from within, and as such, they often look for strong leadership qualities,even when hiring for entry-level positions. Top 10 Leadership SkillsList of Leadership Skills Positive Attitude Attitude may not be everything, but its extremely valuable. Employers want employees that are positive even in stressful and challenging circumstances. Positivity denotes your level of resilience. Employers want to hire applicants with a can do attitude that are flexible, dedicated,and willing to contribute extra effort to get the job done in the face of challenges. Teamwork Regardless of the job, employers want to hire people that are team players - people that are cooperative and work well with others. They dont want employees that are difficult to work with. When you are interviewing, be sure to share examples of how you worked well on a team. Your level of teamwork indicatesyour ability to collaborateeffectively with a wide variety of people. List of Teamwork SkillsList of Team Building Skills Technical The technical skills you need will vary, of course, depending on the job. However, most positions require at least some technical skills. This includes experience using industry software, completing higher-level education (such as college degrees or vocational certifications), or being experienced at highly-specific tasks. List of Technical SkillsList of Computer Skills More Important Skills These days, technology shapes the world we live in. Thats why many employers want the people they hire to come already equipped with certain technological skills. Scan any of the job postings online, and youll probably notice a trend technological skills are vitally important. If you lack technological skills within your industry, its a good time to brush up on the following skills Social media skillsIf youre working in a specific field that involves communications, youll likely need to sharpen yoursocial media skills. This doesnt just mean learning how to use the platforms, though. You should also know how to use social media sites effectively, and employers often ask you to demonstrate that you are a power user of a particular social media channel. Learning how to get your message across on social media will help make you an attractive candidate. Computer skillsHaving at least somecomputer skillsis a given in almost any job out there. Most jobs now require some computer literacy, whether using Word, Excel, or even more advanced software. If theres specific software that a company is using, youll probably get trained on it. This may include content management systems (CMSs) or specific data entry tools. If you are not experienced in all the software programs highlighted in the job posting, it would be helpful to demonstrate t o the employer your ability to learn new software quickly. Problem solving skillsThis may seem a little like analytical or interpersonal skills, butproblem-solvingis often considered a separate skill. You may have to deal with problems arising that require a quick response and resolution. Being able to think on your feet and solve problems at a moments notice is an important asset every employer longs for. ShowcaseYour Skills To be sure you are showing your top skills during your job search, make a list of theskills and qualities that best reflect your background. Incorporate them into your resume and cover letters. Also think of real-life examples where you applied these skillsto achieve success on the job, in the classroom, or involunteer work. Share these examples with your interviewer so they know exactly how much of an asset you will be when youre hired. Transferable Skills If youre switching jobs or industries, youll need to focus on the skills that aretransferablefrom your old position to the newone. Need Skills? Skill sharing has become increasingly popular, allowing people to connect online or in their communities, and toexchange useful tips, valuable information, and invaluable skills. Find out howskill sharing can help you upgrade your skills.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Step-By-Step Guide to Setting Career Goals

Step-By-Step Guide to Setting Career GoalsStep-By-Step Guide to Setting Career GoalsChoosing your career is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, one with far-reaching implications for your happiness, health, and financial status. It can be easier to do when you set career goals and put a plan in place to grow your career. Many people arent sure how to take charge of this process, letting chance factors such as a convenient job offer from a friend determine the focus of their career. As a result, the majority of workers are less than satisfied with their employment. Surveys indicate that as many as two-thirds of all employees are unhappy in their jobs. Although there are no guarantees, taking a deliberate approach to the career planning process can expose you to mora options and increase the probability that you will find sustainable, and enjoyable, employment. The process for schauplatz career goals in a thoughtful manner can be broken down into the following steps . abflug With Self-Assessment Taking stock of your interests, career values, skills, and personality traits can help you formulate your own criteria for a desirable career. Consider a Coach. Meeting with a career advisor or counselor at your school, college, or in your community can help you reflect on your background and identify the cornerstones for your future career.Create a Career Profile. If you would rather proceed on your own, start by reviewing your academic and work history. Which courses, projects, jobs, internships, and volunteer roles were most satisfying and successful for you?Make a list of the activities that were most energizing, and where you had the greatest impact. Which are Your Top Skills? Ask yourself which skills enabled you to achieve that success.Then, consider which interests or values made the work meaningful or stimulating. Make a list of the strong skills that you also enjoyed using.Itemize any of your personality characteristics that made the activ ities feel natural for you. Creating a comprehensive assessment like this is a solid foundation that you can use to hone in on what type of career fits your personal interests and professional strengths. Take Jane, a recent graduate who was struggling to visualize a career path that suited her. Jane reflected on her role as the social chair for her sorority and remembered that she coordinated some of the best parties, pledge activities, and fundraisers in the history of the organization. She really enjoyed leading a gruppe of her peers, coming up with themes for events, organizing the logistics, and promoting the events.As Jane conducted her self-assessment, she listed leadership skills, event planning, promotional ability, creativity, and detail orientation as key interests and skills in her personal profile.She also noted that her outgoing personality made her very comfortable in highly interactive roles. Expand Brainstorm Career Options The next step after self-assessment is b rainstorming some options for consideration. Scanning resources that list a variety of career possibilities like the Occupational Outlook Handbook is one way to come up with a list of options worth investigating. There are many free online personality and career quizzesyou can take to get ideas on what career would be a good fit for someone with your interests and qualifications. You can also review websites that list a variety of job titles in order to build a hit list of career possibilities.Once you have some general sectors in mind, you can review top jobs in those categories, or you can search online by keywords like careers in health care, for example, or whatever field you are interested in. Try to identify ten careers about which you are sufficiently curious to spend some time conducting further research. John had no idea what fields might be of interest to him.He started looking at the Occupational Outlook Handbook and found himself gravitating towards healthcare careers.He searched the internet for top healthcare careers and found a bunch of sites listing options.John drew off these lists to fill out seven of the ten occupations on his brainstorming list Nurse Practitioner, Physicians Assistant, Ultrasound Technician, Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapist, Dental Hygienist, Occupational Therapist, and Nutritionist.John found that some sports careers also caught his eye. Since he wanted some diversity on his list, he also included Sports Marketing, Sports Reporter, and Sports Psychologist to broaden his options. Expand Research Your Top Career Choices Once you have a tentative idea of some careers worth investigating, then you will need to research them in detail to further assess their suitability. Begin by reading about each of the fields on your brainstorm list.Look for information in online career information resources. Try Googling each field like thisCareer Information Physical Therapist. You will find that professional groups provide exc ellent sources of career information.Review the requirements for entering the field and make sure that you are prepared to complete any training, certificate programs or educational degrees which are required. For your remaining options, the next step should be to conduct informational interviews with professionals in those fields.Reach out to college alumni, contacts in your personal and social networks, as well as local professionals to schedule in-person or telephone consultations. Heres howto get started with career networking. Keep notes regarding what you have learned during your research and match it up against the list of interests, skills, and values which you generated during your self-assessment phase.Make a list of options which are still worth considering. Try Job Shadowing to Get an Insider Perspective If a field still holds your interest after reading about it and speaking with professionals in that sector, try to schedule a job shadow to observe the work and samp le the work environment. Consider an Internship or Volunteering If you are in a position to try out a field that is still of interest at this point, consider doing an internship or some related volunteer work. Start the Decision Making Process You should be prepared to make an informed decision at this point.List the pros and cons for each remaining option on a separate sheet of paper and weigh the choices.If you are still unsure, seek the assistance of a guidance counselor at your high school, a career counselor at your college, or a professional career counselor. Sherry read every possible piece of information on physical therapy that she could find, and she was still excited about the field. Her mom had utilized a local physical therapist and made an introduction for an informational consultation.Sherry was fascinated by what the therapist and her colleagues shared about the field and believed it matched up well with her key criteria, a nurturing profession in healthcare that would draw upon her strong aptitude for biology and physics.Sherry spoke with an admissions representative from a local PT program and reviewed the admissions and degree requirements. She was confident that she could successfully gain admission and complete the program. She spent two days shadowing the therapists at the clinic where she had conducted her informational interviews and saw nothing that diminished her interest.Finally, she volunteered at a local nursing home and helped with activities for some of the therapy patients. After all this, Sherry had a very clear sense of the nature of the work and was comfortable with setting a career goal to become a physical therapist. Expand

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Insider Secrets for Teen Resume Examples Revealed

The Insider Secrets for backfisch Resume Examples Revealed You need your resume to clearly demonstrate the employer what type of employee youre going to be. After writing your own personal info, you must include in the qualifications section of your resume if youre a degree holder and if you could experience employed as a sales associate particularly on the tasks which are assigned to you. Appealing to every individual employers wants and job requirements is the ideal strategy for getting your application noticed. Highlighting the last employment record will demonstrate the responsibilities an individual previously held and the length of time they usually maintains a job. Type of Teen Resume Examples Developing a great resume is the ideal way it is possible to make that first impression. It is simpler than you might think to compose a superb administrative resume that may allow you to find the job of your dreams. Rumors, Lies and Teen Resume Examples The objective describe s to your prospective employer the job youre applying for, and allows him to get a concise understanding of what youve got to offer you. The target on a resume tells a possible employer what your teen hopes to escape his job. Naturally, the resume objective needs to be the job you wish to take. What is Actually Going on with Teen Resume Examples Write the letter the way that youll write a normal titelseite letter. Even if one isnt required, its generally an excellent idea to send a quick cover letter together with your resume. You might apply for a job where the employer has been searching for somebody to update the organization website with pictures but doesnt have the opportunity to do it himself. Its helpful to take a look at student and part-time resume examples to find some ideas about what a superior one contains. The New Angle On Teen Resume Examples Just Released Every section takes a slightly different strategy. You should simply opt for the one which you have to use and then use your resume example in order to produce the ideal letter for your resume. Anyway, it is going to be helpful to reveal simple example, it will be simple to follow along with. This example will demonstrate the way you can manage the dates you have spent in jail. The Fight Against Teen Resume Examples Employers search for staff that have a history of creating positive contributions. How you will help (provide a fantastic service experience) 4. You can choose to put any volunteer work youve rendered if you havent had any work experience whatsoever. Following your educational background, after that you can enumerate any work or work-related experience youve undergone. There are various resume examples which can be downloaded on the internet. Let look at some illustration of resume sections that you may use. Just select a template, follow our advice, and you will have a perfect resume in no moment If you do a resume example search, you can also find cover let ter examples too. If you wish to double your possibility of getting hired, yes. Obviously, but only if theres a true need. A good option for high school resumes. Because youre a teen and you likely dont have a good deal of work experience, you truly must make your grades and academic achievements stick out Teen Resume Examples Secrets That No One Else Knows About Most employers arent expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is generally the very first experience students have in their area. The career objective statement has to be written exclusively for the job which you are applying to. Make your education section provided that you will need to. Then you will move on to other resume examples that tell you just how to present your educational info and any special skills youve got. While the functional resume format may be an attractive solution for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resu me format. The right APA format for insure page may elongate you in the case which you would love to reference distinctive resources and you alsoll almost certainly find yourself becoming only one thing incorrect. A reference page is an essential characteristic of writing for your resume. It has been found to be a lot more effective than listing references on your resume.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Pinpointing Job Seeker Passion in the Hiring Process - Spark Hire

Pinpointing Job Seeker Passion in the Hiring Process - Spark HireAlthough having an employee that is passionate about what they do is generally preferable, its certainly bedrngnis mandatory. After all, if every person with a job was passionate about their work there would be much less stress and discontent in the working world. However, when you have an employee that is passionate about what they do, chances are they will be more productive, more willing to put in that extra time and effort, and more motivated to take the position to the next level. This is the kind of candidate you want to attract in the hiring process, but how can you decipher a passionate job seeker from just a job seeker that needs a job?It can be really difficult to zupflmmel out job seekers that truly have a passion for what they do- or for what they want to do- from the job seekers that are simply just searching for a right now job. Especially since savvy, seasoned job seekers know what to say to woo you into thinking they have the passion. There are certain things you can do though as a hiring manager, and certain questions you can ask, to help you pick out the passionate job seeker in the hiring process.Long-Term GoalsThis is a question that comes up in most interviews, but if you are looking to hire someone with passion then its even more important. Asking job seekers in the hiring process what their long-term career goals are will give you a better understanding of why they are trying to get this position. If this job is a step in the right direction towards their overall career goals, then chances are they will do their best to excel at it. If, on the other hand, this position is not in line with their future goals, then this might just be a position they are trying to pick up for a paycheck. When the right job comes along for them, they will probably jump ship. Depending on the position you are hiring for, that might be okay. If you are looking for someone to stay long-term though, they might not be the job seeker for you.Why Did You Choose This IndustryIf this job seeker has a true passion for what they do, then this question will be easy for them to answer. There are a number of different reasons why people choose the line of work they are in. Some choose it for money, some for convenience and others for passion. Not to say that one is better than the other, but if its important for this future employee to love the work they do then the answer to this question is important. Plus, if the job seekers you are interviewing are truly passionate about what they do they will go above and beyond to complete their tasks. They wont be completing tasks and working on projects simply because they have to. Theyll be completing them with fervor because they love the industry or line of work.Skills/ExperienceAnother way you can see if a candidate is passionate about their work in the hiring process is to take a look at their track record, accomplishments and possible cert ifications. When someone is passionate about what they do and truly love the line of work theyre in, theyre more likely to immerse themselves in it whenever they can. Has this job seeker taken up volunteer jobs during spurts of unemployment? Have they taken courses or gained online certifications to advance their skill set? Do they stay abreast of industry trends? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, then chances are this candidate is truly passionate about their work. They are doing everything they can to stay up-to-date in their industry and are fully immersed in their work. They will likely make a great employee or team member.Passion is not always a requirement for a job, and not always something that comes up in the hiring process. However, if you are looking for a candidate that will go above and beyond your expectations and really take hold of this position, then its probably something you want to address. By asking questions like this early on in the hiring proces s you can really gain a better understanding of your candidates.What are some other questions or tactics you implement in the hiring process to see if your candidate has a passion for what they do? Share with us in the comments section belowIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by Hamad AL-Mohannna

Thursday, November 28, 2019

ZALP Launches Strategic Consulting Panel

ZALP Launches Strategic Consulting Panel ZALP Launches Strategic Consulting Panel The Strategic Consulting Panel is the first wing of ZALPs Partner Program, which was launched in March 2014. The company says the panel stems from its teams belief in sensitizing employees to a new technology and helping them adopt it with ease as opposed to simply releasing new tools.Clients today prefer a one-stop solution for all their needs rather than having to associate with multiple entities. That is the idea our Partner Program stems from. Although ZALP is very focused in its offering and we want to continue to excel in the employee referral space, we also wanted to make sure our clients find solutions to all their recruitment needs through our alliances, Priyanka Prabhu, marketing manager at ZALP, said.Panelists willUnderstand the nature of the clients businessAnalyze potential challengesChalk out a systematic roll out plan for clients andGuide clients before and after the go-live to ensure s uccess of the project.I have always been a firm believer in the concept of employee referrals. I think what ZALP brings to the table is absolutely great and I am excited about this alliance. I look at this as an opportunity to help organizations understand the true potential of employee referrals, said Morgan Hoogvelt, managing partner of Morgan HCM and partner with ZALP.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Turn an Internship Into Your First Full-Time Job

Turn an Internship Into Your First Full-Time JobTurn an Internship Into Your First Full-Time JobTurn an Internship Into Your First Full-Time JobGo from intern to employee.We spend the first several years of our young adult life stressing over grades, internships and relationship troubles. Life is full of little worries, and while we cant help with the other troubles, there is a way to take one big stressor off your plate landing your first full-time job.Did you know companies often hire their interns after the students internship is complete? Yes, thats right your first big break may come from pouring coffee and fetching copies. Internships offer a valuable inside connectionwith the hiring manager and other top managers.Think of your internship as an extended interview. Beyond doing a good job and messing up the coffee order, here are a few steps to turn your internship into a full-time job.Find a mentor, not an advocate.First, unterstellung are two very distinct people. An advocate is a professional who loves to buddy with the interns. Be nice to themthey may come in handy later on, but dont spend too much time buddying with them. You need a mentor, someone who will show you the ropes and take you under their wing to help you move ahead. Mentors will critique your work, offer career advice and give honest feedback, whether you want it or not.Another great benefit to having a mentor is recommendations. Impressing the advocate is easy. On the other hand, your mentor is not as easy to impress. They will not provide a recommendation unless they mean it, making it mora valuable to the hiring manager.Be friendly, and get to know everyone in the office.Yes, you should look to your mentor for guidance. But never neglect the other team members. Remember the golden rule of advertising the more exposure you get the more sales you win. The saatkorn is true in the office. Ask if you can join some of the older team members during lunch. Get to know your colleagues before talking about your future in the office. Once you feel the time is right, start discussing how you would love to make this a full-time job and not just an internship.While its okay to spend time with your colleagues, never neglect your own work responsibilities. Make sure your projects are finished, and never make friends on company time. Wait until lunch or take a coffee break. The point is to network, not send a message youre a slacker and dont want to work. On the same note, dont distract your superiors from their work. Theyre charged with mentoring interns and tackling large projects.The early bird gets the worm, and busy bees earn the honey.Yes, this may seem a little obvious. Many interns simply forget the value of time management and prioritizing. Invest in one of those little daytimers or use the calendar on your smartphone. Schedule projects, school and internships. Never arrive at your internship late. Remember the old saying if youre on time, youre 15 minutes late. Take this to heart. Arrive 15 minutes early each day, and use the time to organize your desk, read memos and emails or prioritize your day. Others will notice and write a shining recommendation at the end of your internship.Time management also may require you to take the initiative. Unless youre one of the fortunate interns to land a position with the most organized company, youre going to have some extra time on your hands. Companies tend to focus more on maintaining the status quo than scheduling intensive schedules for interns. But this works to your advantage. Be prepared to ask for tasks each day. Dont wait for someone to reach out to you. Be careful how you phrase your request. Start with Id love to help, and never make it seem like you have nothing to do.Stay in close contact with your manager.Sadly, most managers neglect their interns once they start. Whether they simply forget or run out of time, you may have to take the initiative here as well. Stay in regular communication wi th your manager, either in person or by email. Consider emailing your manager at the end of each week, describing what youve learned. Briefly, describe one or two projects you worked on and explain what you took away from the experience. Dont forget to mention your accomplishments as well.Your manager has the final word regarding a full-time position. During your internships, preferably towards the final two weeks, request a sit-down interview and discuss your desires with your manager. Tell them you want to work for the company as a full-time employee. But keep other options open as well. If there are no positions available, or if the manager thinks you arent ready for a full-time role, ask if you can stay on as a paid intern as opposed to earning college credits.What should you do on your brde day?Many companies send their interns off in style music, cake, balloons and party favors. This is the time to thank everyone for their help and guidance. Prior to your last day, write than k you notes for each person in the office. Dont buy those corny, bulk packaged notes and sign your name. Create a unique note for each person. Tell them just how they helped you during your internship. Include a copy of your business card and invite them to connect with in the future. Go to each person and personally thank them. Not only is it a nice thing to do, but the extra touch will help them remember you when those full-time jobs open up.Before you can advance from your internship, you have to begin. Make sure your resume will get you there by submitting for a free resume critique.Recommended ReadingAsk Amanda Do Internships Count as Years of Experience?How to Get an Internship in College When You Dont Know AnybodyHow to Write an Entry-Level Resume for Your First Post-College Job

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Create a Successful News Blog

How to Create a Successful News BlogHow to Create a Successful News BlogStarting a news blog helps you reach your audience in a personal, more informal way. Careful planning is necessary in order for your news blog to provide value to people you want to reach. Without planning, you could end up spending a great deal of time and resources on building a blog that no one wants to read or follow. Instead, departure your own news blog successfully with these three important tips. Find Your Audience Youre sitting in your newsroom or in your home office, ready to write. Consider who it is you want to write for other journalists, people in your hometown or people across the world? If you work in broadcasting or for a newspaper, youre probably familiar with talking to a wide audience. However, your company probably has target demographics that it wants to reach and chooses content designed to appeal to those people. You can do the same when starting your own news blog. This is just one o f the ways that starting your own news blog can provide some flexibility. If you want to reach young professionals in your city, consider their needs and desires and eliminate topics that dont interest them. If you say you want to reach everybody, chances are, youll reach nobody because your content will be too broad. Find Your Focus Next, find the focus of your news blog. That should start with providing information or a perspective that people cant get anywhere else. If youre simply repeating information that the audience can get from a TV newscast or a newspaper, theres no reason for anyone to bookmark your blog. Your city probably doesnt have a shortage of information, but people have a shortage of time to devote to it. Your news blog has to have an angle that is clearly defined and consistent. You may want to deckblatt political news, with insight into whats really going on at City Hall. That means you should ignore writing about crime unless theres a political spin you can put on it. Find Your Voice News reporters are taught to keep themselves out of the stories they cover. They are supposed to be impartial conveyors of information. That doesnt necessarily apply to your news blog. You should decide how much of yourself to put in the stories you post. You may even decide to write in the first person because that will give readers a personal connection to the news that you cant present in your professional writing. Develop a personality for your news blog. Maybe youll take on a snarky or sarcastic tone. Its not for everyone, but some readers like to read biting commentary about their community that they cant get anywhere else. If you enjoy writing news stories with impact, youll find a new creative outlet for starting a news blog. Thats because you can write without the restrictions of your media company and figure out the best, most personal way to deliver information to people who crave it.